Jubilee Mobile Arts and Technology (STEAM) School Bus Program
“All across the country, teachers and administrators are coming to a similar conclusion: art informs science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and vice versa.” Gaining STEAM: Teaching Science Through Art, Eliza Krigman, US News World Report (2014)
Throughout history, technology has provided artists with new tools for expression. According to Technology and Art: Engineering the future; By Eyal GeverIsraeli, a 3D digital sculptor, “Today, these two seemingly distinct disciplines, art and technology, are interlinked more than ever, with technology being a fundamental force in the development and evolution of art.”
Throughout history, technology has provided artists with new tools for expression. According to Technology and Art: Engineering the future; By Eyal GeverIsraeli, a 3D digital sculptor, “Today, these two seemingly distinct disciplines, art and technology, are interlinked more than ever, with technology being a fundamental force in the development and evolution of art.”

Jubilee Career Center for the Performing Arts, Inc., a 501-c-3 non-profit organization, brings technology, arts, and education to the most vulnerable communities of Worcester, making daily stops in different neighborhoods, churches, and schools.
We are an organization that realizes the importance of basic computer literacy skills in today’s workplace and the substantial impact that a Mobile Technology Lab (featuring supplemental learning and educational enrichment programs) can have on community-based learning and improving the lives and careers of adults and students who are at-risk of failing academically, dropping out of school or who are prone to delinquent activity.
Our Mission is to bridge the digital divide and bring modern technologies to underserved communities by offering Worcester’s families quality after-school and summer programming focused on STEAM education and exposure to digital technology and visual and creative arts.
Jubilee is committed to bringing stem programming and digital learning to underserved, at-risk youth and families in partnership with Community Partners. Our bus is outfitted with the latest computer technology, printers, and software.
This proposed Mobile Technology After-School Program will serve multiple purposes. By partnering with the City of Worcester and making needed resources available, the program will have a direct impact that will
After-school providers and Youth leaders will present activities,
Hours of Operation
The After School Program operating hours are:
Monday through Friday, 3:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Summer hours 10 am - 2pm
The bus program will be closed on holidays but available for school breaks, vacations, and all non-
contract school days. Program staff will not be responsible for student supervision after 5:30 p.m.
Jubilee Mobile Technology Bus Program activities will generally occur on the bus at the participating sites.
The primary role of Jubilee Staff is to plan activities and maintain a cooperative program atmosphere. At times, this may include addressing behavioral issues and resolving concerns. The Program Staff’s responsibility is to present and lead fun recreational and educational activities. He/she will provide basic instruction and lead participants in games, arts or projects, music opportunities and educational enrichment. These individuals maintain constant interaction with the student participants.
Fees: Please see the program Administrator.
Our Desire is to have this program free. That can be possible with your help. Please give so all children will be able to experience.
Jubilee Youth Workers on the Technology School Bus (July 2016)
We are an organization that realizes the importance of basic computer literacy skills in today’s workplace and the substantial impact that a Mobile Technology Lab (featuring supplemental learning and educational enrichment programs) can have on community-based learning and improving the lives and careers of adults and students who are at-risk of failing academically, dropping out of school or who are prone to delinquent activity.
Our Mission is to bridge the digital divide and bring modern technologies to underserved communities by offering Worcester’s families quality after-school and summer programming focused on STEAM education and exposure to digital technology and visual and creative arts.
Jubilee is committed to bringing stem programming and digital learning to underserved, at-risk youth and families in partnership with Community Partners. Our bus is outfitted with the latest computer technology, printers, and software.
This proposed Mobile Technology After-School Program will serve multiple purposes. By partnering with the City of Worcester and making needed resources available, the program will have a direct impact that will
- Provide a fun and safe place for students during after-school hours
- Provide positive interaction with caring adult role models
- Encourage and develop life skills, respect for others, and positive social interaction
- Introduce and engage youth in positive, potential life-long technological and art pursuits
- Provide an academic focus with time to complete homework, read, and receive assistance/tutoring
- Support an active learning environment
- Cultivate gifts and talents in children
After-school providers and Youth leaders will present activities,
Hours of Operation
The After School Program operating hours are:
Monday through Friday, 3:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Summer hours 10 am - 2pm
The bus program will be closed on holidays but available for school breaks, vacations, and all non-
contract school days. Program staff will not be responsible for student supervision after 5:30 p.m.
Jubilee Mobile Technology Bus Program activities will generally occur on the bus at the participating sites.
The primary role of Jubilee Staff is to plan activities and maintain a cooperative program atmosphere. At times, this may include addressing behavioral issues and resolving concerns. The Program Staff’s responsibility is to present and lead fun recreational and educational activities. He/she will provide basic instruction and lead participants in games, arts or projects, music opportunities and educational enrichment. These individuals maintain constant interaction with the student participants.
Fees: Please see the program Administrator.
Our Desire is to have this program free. That can be possible with your help. Please give so all children will be able to experience.
Jubilee Youth Workers on the Technology School Bus (July 2016)
Jubilee Mobile Arts and Technology (STEAM) Summer Program 2023
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